Mental Functions Table
Below are the eight mental functions in one table, comparing their Extraverted and Introverted versions in two columns.
The top two sets are those of Perception (S and N), and the bottom two sets are those of Judgment (T and F). And there's a bonus set at the bottom.
Extraverted (E) | Introverted (I) |
forward | backward |
active | reflective |
superficial | deep |
expend energy | conserve energy |
external | internal |
talk to think | think to talk |
public | private |
speaking | writing |
same | different |
Perception (Pe) | Perception (Pi) |
State of being | Recalled/imagined state of being |
Sensing (Se) | Sensing (Si) |
present, and next and next | present to past |
simultaneous | sequential |
actual, factual, present and real | past, history, 'always been' and impression |
realistic | caricature |
tactile and sensory | visceral |
terrain | map |
Intuition (Ne) | Intuition (Ni) |
present to future | eternity, past and future, unpresent |
patterns between | metaphors within |
possibilities | could have beens, once upon a time |
Judgment (Je) | Judgment (Ji) |
causal | analytical |
compromised | fundamental |
rule | principle |
active | reactive |
rule | exception |
system | |
group | sort/rank |
executive | legislative |
causation | correlation |
Thinking (Te) | Thinking (Ti) |
if...then | ...else ...else |
compromised | fundamental |
standard | unique |
notation | denotation |
Feeling (Fe) | Feeling (Fi) |
custom/tradition | free will |
community | individual |
social mores | social liberties |
harmony | solo |
group | self |
stereotype | archetype |
sympathetic | empathetic |
clarificiation | connotation |
Server (e) | Client (i) |
synchronous | asynchronous |
client/server | peer-to-peer |
server computing | grid computing |
rss | http |
ftp | bittorrent/bittyrant |
IRC | IM |
AIM/Yahoo/etc IM | Solipsis |
push | pull |
If you'll note the color choices for the function headers, they're from the traditional colors first assigned by Jung. There's strong evidence that Jung was slightly synesthetic (as are many of his particular Type), so he labeled Sensing as green, iNtuition as yellow, Thinking as blue and Feeling as red. I assigned Purple to generalized Judgment (red/blue) and a yellow/green color for generalized Perception. I'm going to change the shades slightly, making the E versions slightly darker and the I versions slightly lighter, giving E 75% grey and introverted only 25% grey. Since orange was the only color not used in his system, I've reserved it for computers and the Internet.