Tags, or labels, have finally come to the forefront of memetic space, but there's still a problem.
Until recently, we've been stuck with folders, a hierarchical way of organizing all of our information. It's essentially meant that we've been stuck in two dimensions, a Flatland perspective of semantic space. Tags have the potential to turn everything into N dimensional space, or in database terms, truly relational.
One presumed aspect to tags so far has been the attitude that all tags are created equal, and they're not. This is especially true given that tags have synonyms, that words fade in popularity, and that connotation beats out denotation every time (triumph of the subjective in each of these cases).
Remember when card catalogs were the way we looked for books in the library? Remember looking for a subject using one word, and finding a card that said "See
Is it
Web 2.0?
Social Web?
Dynamic Web?
Platform Web?
Of Color
Now tell me all of the above don't have their own reputations, and *that they're different for everyone*. Another important aspect to consider- there's a good chance that if you rank a certain tag high, that your close peers will as well. If you're a bigot, so will probably be your friends. Theres also a pretty good chance that youre not going to want to publish your personal ranking of tags too, but that you'll share them with your peers. Pretty damn difficult for a central database like Delicious to handle if you ask me (an objective solution to a subjective problem).
How do we enable this? Allow users to create a personal thesaurus, for one. If I come a cross a blog that is labeled African-American and I want to actually label it Afro-American (for whatever reason), it should allow for it and do it automatically for me. Secondly, allow someone to apply a value to a tag (that way high ranking tags will more likely bring you relevant information).