Extraverted (E) | Introverted (I) |
forward | backward |
active | reflective |
superficial | deep |
expend energy | conserve energy |
external | internal |
talk to think | think to talk |
public | private |
speaking | writing |
same | different |
Server (e) | Client (i) |
synchronous | asynchronous |
client/server | peer-to-peer |
server computing | grid computing |
rss | http |
ftp | bittorrent |
IRC | IM |
IM (Y!, AIM, XMPP) | Solipsis |
push | pull |
A robust social networking system would incorporate both side of the I/E dichotomy, and offer granularity in between. There are purposes for both types of networking, as I'll explain over time.
It seems the original model of the Internet has been lost with the commercialization of it, and developing robust personal servers has fallen by the wayside. It's time to return to the basics: develop simple and secure server technology, develop sophisticated interfaces for the common user, distribute the software to each data server instead of relying on the cloud.
The cloud is a bug, not a feature. Remember that. It's important.